✨ SocialConnect Twitter Video Demo ✨
Step 1: Create your dApp using Celo Composer
npx @celo/celo-composer create
Testnet Tokens - Celo Faucet
Step 2: Install SocialConnect dependencies
yarn add @celo/identity
yarn add <https://github.com/celo-org/blind-threshold-bls-wasm#3d1013af>
Troubleshoot - If you are using browser-based framework like react, follow this - https://github.com/celo-org/SocialConnect/blob/main/privacy.md#runtime-environments
Step 3: Setup environment variables
- Private key of the issuer attestation the identifierDEK_PRIVATE_KEY
- Data Encryption private key associated with the Issuer (steps to setup Issuer DEK here)Step 4: Set up Issuer
let issuer = new Wallet(ISSUER_PRIVATE_KEY!, provider);
let serviceContext = OdisUtils.Query.getServiceContext(OdisContextName.ALFAJORES);
let authSigner: AuthSigner = {
authenticationMethod: AuthenticationMethod.ENCRYPTION_KEY,